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Our proceedings from past conferences, symposia, meetings and other events are published in electronic format only. These proceedings have been registered with the Japanese National Centre for ISSN under the Japan National Library. Moreover, these proceedings are provided free-of-charge and available online under Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution Non-Commercial International.

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The Journal of Global Sustainable Development will contain current topics in sustainable development and scientific findings. It is a planned annual, peer-reviewed journal that will be professionally published. The ISSN for this journal is 2189-8170.


No podcasts are currently available.

Press Kit

Organization Overview

Founded in 2016, Interpath Project is a nonprofit corporation that is a diverse community of educators, academics and nonprofit professionals founded in 2015, in part, to support the Sustainable Development Global Goals set by the United Nations. We are committed to addressing sustainable development issues through capacity building, advocacy, networking and sharing knowledge.


Where is Interpath Project located?
Our organization is based in Gifu, Japan.

What does Interpath Project do?
Our events, outreach programs, special projects, journal and e-newsletter all help support and facilitate raising awareness of sustainable development, dialog and human rights.

What types of events do you organize?
We organize numerous events throughout the year. The focus of our themes cover human rights, globalization, business, healthcare, social justice and other areas related to sustainable development.

How is Interpath Project funded?
We are a not-for-profit corporation. Our funding is derived from our events, exhibitions and advertising.